David, stop it. Your lists, and this one more than most, are like whispers from a spirit on my shoulder, whether the angel or the devil I can't tell, because either way, my to-read lists are brimming over and straining both my debit card and my bookshelves. Aw, hell with it--keep them coming. You're brilliant!

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Thanks so much, Larry. This is what I'm doing instead of teaching to feel useful. Also it's a perfect fit for my love of digging around in the land of older books and, well, list-making. There's one more in this series coming next week, and after that, I think, one on sentences.

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David, I love these posts on voice. I can see I've got some reading to do. Very glad to see Joan Chase on the list. And Barthelme!

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I'm trying! And, hey, congrats to bass man!

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Will do.

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