I'd like to participate in the Birth Year Project! Here's mine: 1980.

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I'm putting the finishing touches on 1956, then I'll do yours. I was 32 when your were born. Yikes! Well, math always gave me the willies. Anyway, thanks!

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Hello David, Please add my birth year of 1959 to your project! Thanks, Monika

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Dear David, May I submit a children's books for birth year project. Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion is embedded in my memory. The wonderful illustrations are unforgettable and the thought of it still makes me smile.

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1956 by the way

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Usually takes me about a week--check back in a while. Thanks for asking. I'll put your other item in the Shelter From the Storm pile.

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Hi David, I don't know how to send you a private message with a Shelter From the Storm suggestion. In the meantime, you might be scandalized by this essay by a prominent music writer which speculates about whether books would have ever gained importance if sound recording devices had been invented before the printing press. https://open.substack.com/pub/tedgioia/p/how-we-lost-the-ability-to-listen

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You can always email me: fallboy52@hotmail.com. In the meantime I'll check out your link.

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