I am sad you have never read The Bluest Eye. The story and the story of the story are both wonderful. I taught that novel for more than twenty years. The first time I taught it because I'd shared a passage in class and students insisted I photocopy it*. Absolute violation of copyright, but then we ordered class sets the next year. It remains a funny-terrible novel that was the one reading students would most often come back to thank me for assigning. [*Four students bought the book the first weekend after we began reading, and that was a non-college track class.]
Thanks for this list! A debut novel is one of the prompts for the summer reading challenge I’m participating in.
Loved this post, David!
I am sad you have never read The Bluest Eye. The story and the story of the story are both wonderful. I taught that novel for more than twenty years. The first time I taught it because I'd shared a passage in class and students insisted I photocopy it*. Absolute violation of copyright, but then we ordered class sets the next year. It remains a funny-terrible novel that was the one reading students would most often come back to thank me for assigning. [*Four students bought the book the first weekend after we began reading, and that was a non-college track class.]
And I love the next one, SULA!