I have so many!!! Martha Moody by Susan Stinson is a book that is by a small press (Small Beer Press) that I love with all my heart. I might have mentioned it here before! Strip by Hannah Sward is an incredible memoir published by Tortoise Books. I don’t read memoirs…so the fact that I loved it is saying a lot! Pollack’s Arm by Hans von Throtha is from a small press but I’m blanking on which one!!! And Perma Red by Debra Magpie Earling is SO good. From Milkweed. I have an entire YouTube channel devoted to small press books (still in the growing phase, and struggling to find time to post videos as a parent with a full time job and writing aspirations too- but trying to do my part to spread word about these great publishers). Check out Split/Lip Press too- I haven’t read anything from them yet but just ordered a bunch that I’m super excited about.

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Thank you! I should've remembered Small Beer--one of those names like Two Dollar Radio [you probably know them, but if you don't, I won't spoil their motto for you]. Debra Earling I know from my days in MT--and she has a new one. Best of luck with your channel. I remember how it was to have a coupla kids in the house--how did we ever get anything done, we often wonder these days. Anyway, I'll look up the one you can't recall. Stay in touch. And, um, don't hesitate to pass along this Stack to anyone you think ripe for subscribing.

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Also Juan Martinez’s story collection BEST WORST AMERICAN - a Small Beer Press title too!

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A few favorites of mine: Inside the Yellow Dress by Mary Ann Samyn (New Issues); Praying Drunk by Kyle Minor (Sarabande); Fruit of Knowledge by Liv Stromquist (Fantagraphics); A Calendar Is A Snakeskine by Kristine Langley Mahler (Autofocus)--thinking about this request gave me a reason to peruse my shelves and remember how much I appreciate small presses and all their beautiful, weird releases!

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Thanks, Sara. I hope you're doing well!

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Glory Days by Melissa Fraterrigo—University of Nebraska Press, 2017, is a small press book (short stories) that deserves more readers.

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