Probably too early, and I’m sure you’re already aware, but a movie about making a movie about a book is Adaptation starring Nicolas Cage. The character attempts to write a screenplay for Susan Orlean’s The Orchid Thief.

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Jun 17Liked by David Long

Nice work. I will go back and study the list. [I have read fast—even skimmed some bits.] You have found far more than I have ever thought to consider! When I showed Casablanca (original screenplay, as I recall) to my Film Studies classes, only one student ever claimed to have already seen it. I asked them to look for titles and clichés, which made it special fun. You are wise to urge people to see the old classics. There's a reason they are called classic.

Related: movies taken from short stories is a rich field. Since a screenplay runs to about 75 pages, short stories might take less of a beating (diminishing?) than novels in the transference to film. On the other hand, you would not believe how hard it was for me to find the short story that led to Rear Window... and maybe not really worth the trouble—ha! Not to mention Elaine May's New Leaf!

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