Thanks for these recommendations, David! I really admired Julie Buntin's Marlena and Sara Rauch's XO too. I keep meaning to read Erpenbeck, so this is a good reminder.

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Welcome back! I read The Bee Sting this summer too, and the ending had me holding my breath. Kairos is on my TBR.

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I loved Kairos as well and also try to read as many Charco books as I can. Born in 1958

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Hiya, Karen. [And hi to your SO]. Charco: I started with ELENA KNOWS and was immediately won over. [haven't gotten her newest yet, just out.] Also like Selva Almeda.

I did 1958 not long ago: https://longd.substack.com/p/birth-year-project-1958

I sometimes update years I did early on, but the more recent ones are as full as I can make them, given the assignment.

As always, thanks for commenting--the post had been up roughly five minutes!

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